Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Was Judge Marcy Friedman Conflicted in the Dorothea Perry and Robert Gross Case?

Here is Some Links and information for you To Examine the Motives, Facts, Conflicts of Interest Possibly in this Case.

"State Court Judge Marcy Friedman last week ruled against Perry. Her decision hinged on whether Perry was employed under contract or "at will" at the time of the incident. The court ruled that Perry's employment was at will while her claim against New York Law School was a contractual issue. In short, Perry's suit was tossed on a technicality. "

Did Judge Marcy Friedman protect the Right to Engage in Child Porn? Did Judge Marcy Friedman have ANY Motive to throw out this case, when Clearly the "Techies" Had been violated for Blowing the Whistle.

Perry v Collegis, Inc. - What Was the Real Money or the Political Motives? What was the real reason behind protecting a Professor engaging in Child Porn OVER protecting the Whistleblowers who were doing the Right Thing ?

Keep in mind that Edward Samuels, pedophile professor, and Arthur S. Leonard (author of the article below) were office neighbors and both tenured faculty members of NYLS.
http://newyorkcourtcorruption.blogspot.com/2009/12/counsel-guided-court-system-with-steady.html.Why did she not recuse herself or make the connection known?
Perry states that Judge Friedman never divulged any of this information during the proceedings.She found the connection through a random google search after her appeal was filed.
More to the Dorothea Perry Story
Got a Tip on any of This?
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Veritas et Aequitas

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