Kashmir Hill's Forbes Article Said "After a failed attempt to get the Oregon Attorney General to investigate Cox, Obsidian filed a defamation case in January 2011, and Padrick first met Cox on the first day of the trial."
Kashmir Hill wrote this right after she posted an email accusing me of extortion, which is criminal and I have not had criminal charges against me. Kashmir Hill has ruined my reputation in defending Kevin Padrick's, does this make sense?
Kashmir Hill has no liability for the damage she has cause me? Did Kashmir Hill contact the Oregon Attorney General or simply take the word of Kevin Padrick whom many have legal and ethical issue with (http://www.kevinpadrick.com/) ?
Kashmir Hill said this just after posting an email from January 19th of 2011. So is Kashmir Hill claiming that Kevin Padrick tried to get the Oregon Attorney General to investigate an email sent to his attorney AFTER he filed the lawsuit? Kashmir Hill says in the Forbes article that the Plaintiff filed the lawsuit after trying to get the Oregon Attorney General to Investigative Me. So what was Kevin Padrick trying to get the Oregon Attorney General to investigate, when the Email she posted was sent AFTER the Lawsuit was Filed. Does this make ANY logical sense to Kashmir Hill ?
In context the email was sent as a Reply to a cease and desist, and was sent AFTER the lawsuit was filed, and between two attorneys, as I represented myself. And there were emails back and forth. All this IGNORED by the Irresponsible Journalism of Kashmir Hill.
Does Kashmir Hill have any investigating ability? What Kevin Padrick told her does not add up, and with so many others with issue regarding Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group why would the Oregon Attorney General not investigate Kevin Padrick or Obsidian Finance Group? Why does Kashmir Hill not investigate Kevin Padrick or Obsidian Finance Group?
So much money, so many victims and Kashmir Hill of Forbes focuses on an Email between the Plaintiff's attorney and me, a Pro Se Blogger trying to "Negotiate" with the Plaintiff's attorney, after a cease and desist so broad and vague, and after a lawsuit was filed. Kashmir Hill is seriously negligent, flat out wrong and her post does not make sense to a rational mind that actually researches the story.
Yet, sadly most do not research the facts, documents, videos, depositions of the story and instead simply believe Kashmir Hill and not me. Kashmir Hill has not investigated this story for 3 years, I have. Kashmir Hill has no clue of the real story, yet Kashmir Hill jumps in with conclusions, accusations and harms me in every way and with NO accountability.
Obsidian Finance Group lost a loan due to what I posted, thing is I posted links to proof and the bank VP never contacted me, there was lots of information online about the story, and yet I was blamed when it was not my story. I simply picked up the story and ran with it.
This story is huge, and the defamation accusation is false really. Obsidian Finance Group did not prove they lost one penny regarding this post and yet was awarded 2.5 million dollars. It makes not sense, yet Kashmir Hill does not look into any of this. Kashmir Hill simply believes what the Zillionaires tell her to believe.
If Kashmir Hill did her homework she would see that there is lots more to all this. For example, I am "affiliated" with a book, I have been writing for years and most have not published, however I have lots of ISBN numbers and 2 books registered with Bowker. I started a Publishing Company in 1996 and I have had other publications publish my writings. I am more of an investigator then Kashmir Hill , that is a FACT. And I am truly independent. Kashmir Hill has not looked into any of this and Kashmir Hill simply takes the hearsay of one Man and his Attorney, which is certainly NOT investigative reporting.
Kashmir Hill says, "... but a trial by jury found that her claims were false, and found her guilty of defamation." Where does this come from? Does Kashmir Hill understand that it was the Opinion of One Oregon CPA, paid by the Plaintiff that the Jury had to go on to find me "guilty"?
Kashmir Hill of Forbes quotes Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group in say “She has decimated my business. It’s half of what it was,” says Padrick. “She’s ruined my reputation, my life.” the TRUTH is all I did was turn on a light in the room the bad things were happening in. I did not make up that information, and I provided proof of my source and the Judge would not allow this information into the Trial.
Kashmir Hill has done NO Investigation into the Truth of this Story. And Kashmir Hill has NOT spoke to me, to do her so called Fact Checking, getting both sides that journalists claim they do. Kashmir Hill does not want the real story, but Kashmir Hill instead simply wants to make me look bad instead of printing the real facts of the case.
Kashmir Hill Says "A reminder here: she wasn’t able to prove at trial that what she had written was true. Do we really want to claim this person as one of our own, folks?" Thing is in no way is Kashmir Hill like me. See I read documents, depositions, watch videos of the parties at meetings, talk to many insiders and for years. And Kashmir Hill just posts some jaded version of the story to shoot the messenger per say.
Instead Kashmir Hill should has why I was unable to prove at trial that what I wrote was true to the best of my ability? See Kashmir Hill is NOT looking for the TRUTH but instead Kashmir Hill is looking to Defame Me, punish me, even though a Judge Jury already has. And I never asked to be called "your own", I have been investigating corruption and speaking out for over 6 years and it has changed my life in every way. Death Threats, Set Up by Judges, Stalked, Lied about, Harassed and all ignored by the Cops, Judges, FBI, State and Federal Prosecutors.
Obsidian Finance Group is really one of the smallest stories I write about. Kashmir Hill is certainly not one of "your own". See the bloggers, whistleblowers that I know, they do their homework, they have proof, documentation and experience extreme harassment and duress as they expose corruption. See the bloggers that are like me, they face economic terrorism, cps threatens them, judges set them up, they are sued and starved out, threatened of death and more ...All because they dare to blog about what is really happening to them, or people they know. Bloggers do this with back up, video, documents and not just posting hearsay and agenda. Most of the time bloggers such as I am that expose real corruption, are not paid to expose this corruption and instead make money other ways from their blogs, ads or selling other product. This way the story is pure and the ad dollars and politics does not control why they expose. Bloggers are more credible as news then Forbes, New York Times, Fox, big media and certainly more credible then the yammerings of Kashmir Hill.
See I have been in this for 3 years, and I know tons about it. Kashmir Hill took the word of the Plaintiff and ran a story, an attack against me with no base in real facts of this 3 year long story.
Kashmir Hill says, "This has led to a slew of angry stories, pointing out that bloggers are journalists. But these stories have not dug deeply enough. The facts in the case are far more complicated, and after hearing them, most journalists will not want to include Cox in their camp." Crystal L. Cox, Investigative Blogger says YES this case is far more complicated and it is not about ONE email between a Pro Se Defendant Blogger and a Plaintiff's attorney. This story is 3 years deep and has thousands of pages of documents, depositions, emails, and back story that needs to be researched before opening one's mouth as Kashmir Hill has done. And I never asked "journalists' to include me in their "camp", that is just lame. I do wish that Journalists, Investigative Reporters, Bloggers, and ALL would investigate Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group and bring justice to those they have harmed by presenting the FACTS instead of simply shooting the messenger. However, it seems that most believe what they are told by big media and do not dig deeper. Kashmir Hill is simply clueless on the TRUTH about Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group. And she seems to have no accountability or remorse for inciting a riot against me, essentially accusing me of the crime of extortion with no background information, not looking at dates the lawsuit was filed and well not even digging into the story but simply jumping to the defense of a white collar criminal and attacking someone who is trying to expose corruption and help people. I had no personal vendetta, I did not know Kevin Padrick, I had no money involved, I was simply getting the victims story found.
Kashmir Hill sure is naive and gullible. It Seems that Kashmir Hill did not look into anything that Kevin Padrick told her but instead just believed whatever he spewed out of his lying, evil mouth.
Kashmir Hill's article said,
"Obsidian’s tech team found dozens of sites that appeared to have been created by Cox to write about Obsidian, says Padrick, and over 1,900 others that she had created to write about other people and companies. This is not the work of a journalist, but the work of someone intent on destroying reputations."
This is just ridiculous, they have no idea what I do, or why and this tech team has no clue as to what is really going on. And to take Kevin Padrick's words as to why I supposedly have sites, without posting my version of why I have the sites or even reading my sites, Kashmir Hill just goes along with what Kevin Padrick says??? Really??
I have sites on my several businesses, sites on alternative energy, sites on alternative medicine and healing, sites supporting gay and lesbians, sites on real estate, sites on cancer and many other topics and my corruption sites are not the majority of my sites, and when I write on the bad guys, ya I go to the top of the search engines.
However, I did not destroy their reputation, they did this long before I showed up, I simply got the victims they created found as I am amazing at search engine placement and gave this as a gift to victims. Kashmir Hill has no clue as to what I do or why.
Kashmir Hill's article said,
"Padrick told me this has been going on for three years. There is a rather complicated back story — involving his being appointed a Chapter 11 trustee for a business that went belly-up Ponzi-style in 2007, and some of those involved not being happy about misappropriated funds being reclaimed"
Yes Kashmir Hill it has been three years, and I got a bankruptcy whistleblower blog found. They had problems with Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group and with David Aman of Tonkon Torp and I got them heard, found in the search engines. I did not create the story, it WAS and IS .. not my Story.. Kashmir Hill has no clue the real back story, the breach of contract, the lies, the unethical behavior of Kevin Padrick... and Kashmir Hill is not about to dig deep, but instead naively believes a Zillionaire that makes Millions a Year off of other people's demise and all the while lies to and bullies his own clients, so that he can prey on their life's work. DO YOUR HOMEWORK and STOP focusing on the messenger, I am Telling the TRUTH about the Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Kevin Padrick, Attorney and his Attorney David Aman.
Also note about the Forbes article, and seemingly Kashmir Hill are only letting in negative comments about me.Several people have told me that they posted positive comments on Forbes on work I had done for them, and Forbes rejected these comments. Seems that Forbes simply wants to discredit the messenger. I have commented to try and correct errors and my comments have been denied. Kashmir Hill has me owning sites that I don't own. The Errors of Kashmir Hill of Forbes is shocking and she does nothing to correct them, even though she knows the facts and has a fancy editor.
There is a comment on the Forbes Article I want to Comment on.. it says this..
"Truth would have been a defense, but the burden was on the other side. Instead, Cox even failed to show that she had a good faith reason to believe the statements were true. Apparently neither the jury nor the judge believed that her secret source was real." ~ I want to clarify. I never claimed a Secret Source at the Trial. I brought over 500 pages of documentations of my source, and of good faith reason. The judge said it was hearsay and it was not allowed. http://www.obsidianfinancesucks.com/2011/12/in-obsidian-v-cox-i-provided.html
If you cannot read the document, email me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com
If you want the facts, find them. If you don't care enough to dig deep then don't simply believe Kashmir Hill of Forbes or David Carr of the New York Times.
Kashmir Hill is not telling you, "Nothing but the Truth" Look beyond the one sided rant of Kashmir Hill and find the facts for yourself.