Friday, January 28, 2011

Hamilton Montana Judge Michael Reardon - Time for another Montana Recall - Michael J. Reardon

Hamilton Montana Michael J. Reardon, Time to Recall Montana Judge - Hamilton Montana Judge Michael J. Reardon.

Hamilton Montana Michael J. Reardon - Law Enforcement Abuse

More Details on Hamilton Montana Recall of Judge
Michael J. Reardon Recall Coming Soon.

Crystal L. Cox
Montana Investigative Blogger

Hamilton Montana News

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick Hires, David Aman Tonkon Torp to Sue Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.

Today, It is Brought to my Attention.. that Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D.Padrick is Suing me for Libel... interesting.. Millons of over billing to the Summit Creditors, 15% Commission on all sales, though GOOD for him and not necessarily the Creditors.. , and Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick is still abusing the Oregon Courts to Control the Truth about Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick .. Hmmmm..

... and are the Summit 1031 Creditors Paying for this Lawsuit against the "Media" - against Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox... ???

Did Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick sue the Bend Oregon Newspapers, or the Portland Newspapers for what they Wrote on the Summit 1031 Bankrupcty or is this more of Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick woman hating, discrimination rearing up... as with the 2 year harassment and criminal charges against Oregon CPA and Oregon Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung FOR Her Exposing the Financial Facts and Details of Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick's actions in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.

So Not Sure Why, But David Aman of Tonkon Torp sent me a Cease and Desist by eMail, yet apparently files a Lawsuit against me in Oregon District Court but Does NOT bother To eMailme that Lawsuit or to even Let Me Know he Filed It.. Odd Don't Ya Think ?

In the Meantime, we entered into talks of PR Services, during which I had no Idea that Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick was suing me for Exposing their Corruption in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.

How Did Tonkon Torp ., David Aman Decide what Court to Sue Me In? I mean Intellectual Property Laws for the Internet Are Virginia Based Right? And My Posts on Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick or 2 years were done from MT, OR, WA, ID, HW, CO, UT, and CA .. .so what Court is that Out of ?

You Boys Want a Legal Battle, GOOD... I am Looking Forward to Discovery.. over and over.. Every Dollar.. As the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy has so Much Fraud, Deception, Cover Ups and back alley scandals that have yet to surface.

Coming Soon All Accounting of the Money that Tonkon Torp ., David Aman oh and Odd I Just Noticed that Videos are Dropped from My Sites... the Videos of the Meeting that ProvedObsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick BROKE Bankruptcy Laws, Violated the Rights of the Summit Creditors, Pulled a High Finance Bait and Switch AND well Committed Ethics Violations and Possible Fraud... Hmmmm..

Well Guess What Obsidian Finance Group, LLC , Kevin D. Padrick - AND Tonkon Torp - David S. Aman In July of 2009, I Received Copies of those Videos, as I was Helping StephanieDeYoung to Market the Bankrupty Corruption Proof on the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy in Effort to Help the Real Estate Consumer as I had just recently quit the Association of Realtors and was Making a Stand for the Real Estate Consumer. I Posted a Couple .. Here is one Posted in July of 2009.. I have them ALL.. and So Do Several of My Whistleblower Bloggers..

Where did the Videos Go? Why are they just magically Gone?

Whatever Sick and Dirty Deal you Have Pulled in the Oregon Courts, or Bend Oregon District Attorney Pat Flaherty has Done to Help you in Suppressing Information and Silencing aWhistleblower, Well I have Copies of those Videos as do Several Of My Whistleblowers in Several States.. So the TRUTH Will Roar.. and the TRUTH is Certainly Not Libel, Not Slander and NOT Defamation. And this is in NO Way about Protecting Mark Neuman or the Summit Principals, I was Never "In bed with" them in any way. My writing on the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy was about protecting the Real Estate Consumer.

A Man that would put his own Daughter in a Mental Institute to Keep her from Talking to an Investigative Blogger, Well that is the Devil to Me... this is Not about Supporting Mark Neuman, Summit Principal in Any Way.

Get Ready Readers as We Now Enter the Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick... Tonkon Torp - David S. Aman and Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, Smack Down..

Got a Tip ON Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick ... Tonkon Torp - David S.Aman ??? Send it on Over...


So Does Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick OR Possibly.. David Aman,Tonkon Torp Control Oregon District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty? Is there any past history or conflicts of interest with Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick OR Possibly.. David Aman, Tonkon Torp Control Oregon District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty Coming Soon to Explore the life and Career of Oregon District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty - Conflicts of Interest Possibly with David Aman, Tonkon Torp orObsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick.

Do you have an Issue, Story or information on any possible Fraud on the Courts involving
Oregon District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty ? If So Please eMail me your Oregon District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty tip at

Also Under Freedom of Information Act I Will Soon Be Posting all U.S. Court Documents of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy on where YOUR Money Really Went. and Under Freedom of Information Act I Will be Getting and Posting Documents on Solar Tax Credits and possible Fraud on the Oregon Government over that, and then hopefully be filing a Qui Tam Lawsuit to get 30% Recovery of What Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick has possiblyfrauded the U.S. Government.

How much Money has Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick REALLY PaidTonkon Torp and David S. Aman to SHUT up the Truth about the Massive Money FraudulentlySpent in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy? Coming Soon.. You have a Right to Know.. What YOU paid .. Tonkon Torp and David S. Aman and how much of it went to Bend Oregon District Court and Portland District Court Legal Issues to Filing Charges and Lawsuits to SHUT Up Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung and "Media" , Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox. .. It's Your Money !!!

Here is the Supposed Libel Lawsuit Link, yet I have No Record of it being Sent to Me.

Tonkon Torp - David S. Aman Vs. "media" "blogger" "investigative blogger" "real estate whistleblower" Crystal L. Cox...

Obsidian Finance Group, LLC and Kevin D. Padrick Vs. "media" "blogger" "investigative blogger" "real estate whistleblower" Crystal L. Cox...

Stay Tuned to my Investigative Blogger Network, Whistleblower Media, Real Estate Whistleblower, Court Corruption, Bankruptcy Corruption "Media" sites for the Whole Story as it Plays Out..

posted here by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Monday, January 24, 2011

Montana Protective Orders are Not Mutual and there is No Judicial Consistency in How they Are Given.

In the State of Montana, Protective Orders /Montana Restraining Orders are often Used to Take Away Gun Rights, to Harass and Scare people who Expose Corruption, to Put People in their Place, to take away our Constitutional Rights and there seems to be No Rhyme or Reason as to How Judges Base Decisions on Montana Protective Orders.

There is No Accountability to Montana District Court Judges or Montana Justice of the Peace Judges who Ruin your Reputation or Put you in Harms way Based on a Montana Protective Order that was Given outside of the Scope of Law, with No Proof and Was NOT "Mutual".

The Montana State Laws Seem to Be Pretty Clear on who Can Get a Montana Protective Order and How they are to Prove they Need Protection.

Thing is the Montana Judges are Not Clear on the Laws that apply to Protective Orders, not Consistent on who they give a Montana Protective Order or for what reasons.

Montana Justice of the Peace Judges, City Judges, and District Court Judges seem to have No Liability or Accountability for the Harm they Do to Us Montanans in these Unjust, Unlawful, Illegal, Discriminating Montana Protective Orders that are not based in Montana State Code.

I have heard many stories and please Feel Free to Email any Discrimination, Bias, or Harassment that a Montana Judge has subjected you to, over a Corrupt - Illegal - Harassing Protective Order.

I am Telling you My Montana Protective Order Story to Show you how Montana Protective Orders are used for Political Agendas, Silencing the Truth, Taking Guns From Private Citizens, Discrediting Media and Simply Harassing Montana Citizens that Montana Judges, Montana Law Enforcement Simply Does Not Like for Some Reason. My Full Montana Corruption story is at - Here is the Montana Protective Order Highlights from that Corruption in Montana Story.


I Received a Death Threat via eMail. I felt it Very Real and I Felt I knew For Sure who it was from. The man has a Concealed Carry Permit, and he claimed to carry plenty of ammo. I Went to a Eureka Montana City Judge Stormy Langston, as Stormy Langston is also theEureka Montana Justice of the Peace and I was really in Fear of this Man, and provided all the proof I could as to Why I felt it was this particular man.

Stormy Langston told me she agreed that it was this man, and that this was not right and YES she would give me a Protective Order. She Turned to her Computer a Few Moments, then printed out a form for me to fill out and Said, well we can't really Prove it is him, so I can't grant a Protective Order. Just Like that a few words at the keyboard, and Judge Stormy Langstonchanged her Mind.

So I left, with No Montana Protective Order though Judge Stormy Langston could have proved who sent the Death Threat with one Fax to Google or Yahoo. There was no attempt on finding out who it was, if Not this man. It was Simply a No I cannot Give you a Protective Order.

A few Days Later I was asked by Paul Stramer's Attorney to testify on his behalf at his hearing, because this Same Man that I felt threatened to Kill me, he had requested that Judge Stormy Langston give him a Montana Protective Order against Paul Stramer based on his Stated Fearalone and No Proof What So Ever. I had Proof that this man was to be feared, was aggressive and threatening and Judge Stormy Langston Denied me the Right to Testify on Paul Stramer'sbehalf and Gave the "Aggressor" a Montana Protective Order Against Paul Stramer based on his fear alone, just like that. (This Of Course was Political Motivated).

So with No Justice in Lincoln County Montana, I went to Ravalli County Montana as this is where the Man I Feared Lived, though He Owned Property in Lincoln County Montana and claimed at Paul Stramer's hearing that he was Moving back to is Eureka Montana Property. Though he Never had ANY intention of Moving Back, never had to prove that, even though this "Moving Back" was part of the Reason that Judge Stormy Langston supposedly granted him theMontana Protective Order Against Paul Stramer.

So I went to Ravalli County Montana District Court Judge Haynes to get a Montana Protective Order. I Called Ravalli County Montana District Court Judge Haynes before I went to the Ravalli County Courthouse, I was told that I was within my Legal Right to have a Protective Order and to bring the Paperwork down. One Hour Later, I took the paper work down to theRavalli County Courthouse and though I was told to come in and see Ravalli County Montana District Court Judge Haynes, well apparently he was busy. It seemed to me thatRavalli County Montana District Court Judge Haynes was possibly by then talking to Lincoln County Officials and Possible to Ravalli County Attorney and Deciding my Fate based on the Corruption I was Blogging About, Exposing in Lincoln County Montana and in Ravalli County Montana.

So I get to the Ravalli County Courthouse and Judge Haynes is busy, I am told to Come Back. I asked if he was going to grant me a Protective Order, I was told that they would call my Cell Phone when they had an answer. It was not looking Good for me to Get a Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order - So I said if for Some Reason Judge Haynes Denies me a Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order can I have a Signed reason as to Why Judge Haynes is Denying me a Montana Protective Order/Montana Restraining Order ?

I was called back 3 hours later and this was Filmed, as I had been interviewed in a Montana Documentary that exposed some of the issues in Montana Law Enforcement and the Montana Judicial system that were "questionable". So feeling I would Be Denied this Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order - the Film Crew followed me into theRavalli County Courthouse - Click Here for That Day.

So Ravalli County Montana District Court Judge Haynes Denied me a Protective Order. Thing his Judge Haynes stated and signed the Reasons why and gave the Montana Laws that he based his Denial Decision on.

So I Went Back home the 200 Plus Miles to Eureka Montana

A Few days Later Lincoln County Montana Police Officer Maury McKinney Shows up at my Door. He is Serving me a Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining OrderISSUED against me by Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace Robin Clute. The Order was not Notarized, the Reasons Given Not Proven - Simply Stated and Well all the Laws that RavalliCounty Montana District Court Judge Haynes stated as a Reason to Deny me a Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order against a Man I Really was afraid of, Well those Laws were Not Part of Judge Robin Clutes Court.

Judge Robin Clute gave a man I Feared a Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order - against me and did not even make it MUTUAL. Therefore he could harass me online, he could walk up to me, he could Stalk me and there was no recourse what so ever. So a Montana Justice of the Peace in Ravalli County gave protection whereby a District Court Judge in RavalliCounty and a Justice of the Peace in Lincoln County Denied this Same Protection.

So I called Judge Stormy Langston in Eureka Montana after I got this Protective Order Served to Me, so She apparently felt sorry for me and the Laws or the Proof Need Qualification Changed, So she issued me a Temporary Protective Order.

Is there Proof or Not, is it Legal for Him to Have Protection and Not Me. Why Did Lincoln County Montana Judge Stormy Langston say No, because there was No Proof, though she knew it was Him and had access to Proof. And then Give me an Order Later? Politics was Getting to Hot?

oK well Next, due to the Illegal, Discriminating Montana Protective Order /Montana Restraining Order given by Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace Robin Clute, I Left Montana and Took a Job in Idaho/Washington - I Left my Home and Business as I Feared this Man, and Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace Robin Clute claimed that I sent the Death Threat to myself, which a Simple IP search or fax to Google - Yahoo would prove it Different.. she told me she believed I sent it to myself.. .and so I said in her Court Room - So if "He" gets an email tonight from that yahoo account that you claim I have access to, then I am in a Cop Car tomorrow? She said yes that is exactly what it means. So knowing at this point this was all a set up, I left town. As we were running a Montana Sheriff Recall for Corrupt Lincoln County Sheriff - Sheriff Anderson and I knew if got in a cop car that surely I would become one of those now famous Montana Suicides, aKa Death by Cop... or a Jail Suicide.. there are so many stories of this happening and plenty are out of Ravalli and Lincoln County Montana.

(Keep In mind there was Proof in the Lincoln County Courts the HE had access to that email account and Lincoln County Attorney and Law Enforcement Have Concealed this Evidence to this Day) Click Below for that Story.

Anyway, So I Left Town in Fear for My life from my aggressor and from the Lincoln County Cops that wanted to SHUT up My Blogs. Apparently During this time, my Aggressor overturned the short - temporary protective order that Judge Stormy Langston gave me. My Aggressor, though this made it mutual, he got Lincoln County District Judge Michael Prezeau to Overturn the Short Time Period Protection I did get. I did not even know this was lifted til' months later when I returned to Montana, as I had not been Served Notice of this Court Hearing that Endangered my Life.

So there it is The Lawless Story of One
Montana Protective Order - Montana Restraining Order.

Demand Accountability, Consistency and Transparency from ALL Montana Judges.

this Man Continues to Threaten my Life to this day.. posting laws and harassing statements of why he can defend himself from me.. even though I Have never Threatened Him in ANY way ... Nor have I Ever asked anyone to Threaten this man for or on behalf of me in Any way. I am still denied access to protection or the complaint that proves he controlled that email account.

Posted here Truthfully
by Montana Native
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Judge Orinda D. Evans, Judge J.L. Edmondson - Judicial Misconduct Complaint

"Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Orinda D. Evans

I have filed two judicial misconduct complaints against Judge Orinda D. Evans.

Judge Evans has a reputation for twisting the law and the facts to decide how she wants to decide without regard for the law or what's right.

She did this and a lot more in my case. She committed perjury and obstruction of justice -- committed many criminal acts.

She did it knowlingly because she felt she could get away with it. She has gotten away with it for as long as 30 years as a federal judge.

The first complaint was ignored, and the second one probably will be as well.

I have stated under oath that Judge Orinda D. Evans is as dishonest and corrupt as they come.

Here is my initial complaint against Judge Evans:

Judicial Misconduct Complaint

Judge Orinda D. Evans

In Civil Action Number 1:06-CV-0714-ODE, Judge Orinda D. Evans is guilty of conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts. She treated the Defendants in a hostile manner.

She violated the Code of Conduct. She had improper motives. This misconduct took place between March 2005 and October 2008.

Judge Evans violated these Canons:

Canon 1 -- A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary.

Canon 2 -- A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities - A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

Canon 3 -- A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Impartially and Diligently - A judge should be faithful to and maintain professional competence in the law.

Judge Evans Concealed Material Evidence that should have been provided to the Defendants. Judge Evans received two contracts for an in camera inspection in February 2007.

Judge Evans did not respond to the Defendants until well after discovery had closed. Judge Evans claimed the contracts were not relevant to the case, but that was false.

The Plaintiffs claimed these documents were “irrelevant, immaterial, ill-defined, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.”

The Defendants have now obtained the contracts through a FOI request, so the Defendants know that the contracts contained extremely important information.

These documents are Docket #168, and the production requirement is noted in Docket # 174 - Hearing of February 2, 2007.

The importance of these documents is addressed in the First Declaration of William M. Windsor and Exhibits1 and 2 thereto dated April 24, 2009 and filed with a Motion to Reopen the Case.

Judge Evans ignored fraud, misrepresentation, and perjury by the Plaintiffs. The Defendants can show that the Plaintiffs committed fraud, misrepresentation, and perjury, and Plaintiffs’ attorneys participated knowingly in these wrongs and suborned perjury throughout the case.

Windsor called fraud, misrepresentation, and perjury, to the attention of Judge Evans at the hearing in chambers on February 2, 2007, but Judge Evans did nothing about it. The transcript of this hearing is Docket # 174.

Windsor advised Judge Evans that the Plaintiffs had lied and committed perjury hundreds of times and had filed numerous false sworn pleadings. The total count of proven lies or statements Windsor believes are lies is over 400.

These are detailed by affidavit, deposition, or hearing testimony in the 28 exhibits to the Third declaration of William M. Windsor filed April 24, 2009 as part of a Motion to Reopen Case. Judge Evans ignored this and chose to believe the Plaintiffs without considering any proof. Rule 11 violations are detailed in Exhibit 23 to the Third Declaration of William M. Windsor filed April 24, 2009 as well as in all the exhibits to that declaration.

The various rulings of Judge Evans in this case were not fair or logical and showed a partiality to the Plaintiffs from the very beginning. There are 416 sentences in this Order Granting Summary Judgment. TWO HUNDRED AND TEN (210) of the 416 are false or incorrect.

Space limitations here make it impossible to cite the facts, but Windsor can provide an investigator with a precise explanation using the Docket and the April 24, 2009 filings with the Court.

The void of impartiality is detailed in the Motion to Recuse with the Second Declaration of William M. Windsor and the 23 exhibits attached thereto and filed April 24, 2009. The impartiality of Judge Evans can definitely be questioned.

Judge Evans demonstrated a personal bias concerning Windsor and the Defendants. Judge Evans concealed relevant information from the Defendants. Judge Evans denied the Defendants the ability to obtain needed discovery. The Defendants needed discovery of various types, but the Court abused the Defendants by denying these requests.

Then Judge Evans granted Summary Judgment against Windsor and the Defendants using the testimony and evidence of people who never appeared for depositions after she indicated on February 2, 2007 that she would not allow affidavits or testimony at trial from those people. Judge Evans regularly invented facts that did not exist.

The constitutional rights of the Defendants were violated repeatedly in this lawsuit. The Defendants were denied the most basic discovery -- never even given the names and contact information for employee witnesses.

Judge Evans denied the ability of the Defendants to take deposition testimony of any of the people directly involved with customers or any customers. Judge Evans denied the defendants the time needed to go through the Hague Convention to take the depositions of Canadian employees of the Plaintiffs who were important to the Defendants’ case.

Judge Evans repeatedly denied discovery requests that were essential to the Defendants’ defense and in support of the Defendants’ case.

There was not even a hint of fairness or impartiality in her rulings as can be seen by reviewing the entire Docket. Discovery Abuse is detailed in Exhibit 16 to the Second Declaration of William M. Windsor filed April 24, 2009.

Judge Evans denied Windsor, a pro se party, the ability to conduct a 30(b)(6) examination of the Plaintiffs. [Docket # 184.]

Judge Evans violated the law and manufactured her own law and facts to rule against the Defendants.

Judge Evans included alleged facts in her orders that were not even presented by the Plaintiffs or Defendants. Judge Evans considered testimony and proof in her orders that she stated would not be considered.

Judge Evans considered affidavits that should not have been considered based upon the Rules and based upon her rulings. In her Summary Judgment Order, 210 of the 426 sentences in the Order are false or incorrect. These are detailed in Exhibit 22 to the Third declaration of William M. Windsor filed April 24, 2009 as part of the Motion to Reopen Case.

The ruling in this case could establish a major number of precedents that change important laws in Georgia. As the Defendants see it, no one can legitimately fight a lawsuit filed against them without expecting to pay all legal fees if they lose.

Tortious Interference does not require damages. Tortious interference does not have to meet the tests that have been established in Georgia.

Sworn complaints do not have to have a shred of truth; there are no penalties for lying hundreds of times under oath.

There are no penalties for discovery abuse; you can tamper with witnesses, conceal documents, alter documents, refuse to produce documents, and produce your important documents after discovery has closed.

You do not have to produce your witnesses for depositions, but you can then use affidavits from them and deny the opposing party the ability to cross-examine. The legal basis for counterclaims is irrelevant, and the courts don't have to even deal with those issues. Slander is acceptable.

No one is allowed to make a factual complaint to the Better Business Bureau. Courts may stop people from doing perfectly legal things. Courts do not have to go by the law.

Courts do not have to consider the facts. Fact issues are no longer issues for a jury to consider; judges are allowed to handle jury trials themselves without involving actual jurors.

The Georgia ticket broker laws are null and void, and no company or individual may ever sell a ticket that they acquired from someone else.

Appeals have been eliminated as the law and the facts are not going to be considered by the Court of Appeals.

The misconduct of Judge Evans is detailed in the Motion to Recuse filed by William M. Windsor on April 24, 2009 and the declaration and exhibits attached thereto, and in the Motion to Reopen Case filed by William M. Windsor on April 24, 2009 and the declarations and exhibits attached thereto.

William M. Windsor

This Complaint was denied by Judge J.L. Edmondson who claimed there was no evidence of wrongdoing. So, I had to Petition for further review.

A year later, I filed yet another complaint -- Second Judicial Misconduct Complaint Against Judge Orinda D. Evans. "

Source of Post

Report - Expose Corrupt Judges - Expose Judges that commit crimes. Blow the Whistle..

Report Corrupt Judges. Silence Is Betrayal.
Write on My Blog Network or Send me Your Judicial Corruption Story.

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Judges are Only above the Law if You Don't Hold them Accountable.

"Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am writing to ask you to help fix America. Please respond to a few questions/requests listed below.

Bill Moore (experienced with corrupt legal system) and I have been planning a meeting in Atlanta for all interested parties, but there have now been a number of suggestions to have the meeting in Washington, DC so we can try to get some media coverage.

REQUEST #1: Would you attend a meeting on either February 12-13 or 19-20 in Atlanta, DC, or either?

We need a Game Plan. As Bill Moore says, “we need a vision and a strategy.” I received an email from several people saying: “Imagine the mess if Windsor, Ken Smith, and everyone else screwed by crooked courts would work together to stop the crookedness. They might actually succeed. But operating singly, they will only lose, one at a time.”

I propose that we get everyone working together, and develop a unified effort. I am happy to coordinate this at least initially. Here is a brain dump of what I have in mind: (I welcome any and all other ideas, suggestions, etc.!)

My idea of our goal is to eliminate judicial corruption and violation of the Constitution, laws, and rules by judges in America. And if we can do something to stop the rampant dishonesty by attorneys, that would be a nice plus.

My initial brain dump of specific changes to seek are these:

To that list, we need to add requirements relative to credentials of judges (Paul Andrew Mitchell is the expert on this) and specify what should be done about all the rulings by judges who did not have the required credentials in place. We also need to require that the laws are followed regarding Orders of SCOTUS. (Joseph Zernik is the expert on this.)

Commander Walter Fitzpatrick (a high-profile victim of legal and judicial abuse) will speak at our meeting, and he has what may be a key avenue to pursue. It involves restoring the power of Presentment to Grand Juries so THEY can protect we the people and tell law enforcement what to do.

How to have a snowball’s chance in you-know-where will be left to the wisdom of all involved. I have received interesting emails and calls about involving the military and the Organization of American States. There are a lot of people out there with their own special slant.

REQUEST #2: Send me email addresses of interested people.

We need to compile the best possible mailing list of people who have been victims of “public corruption” or who are concerned about it. I have about 600 email addresses so far.

I ask that each of you send me email addresses of people who you know should be interested, especially those with web sites that don’t have emails shown as I haven’t had time to fill out their online forms. I will then feed all of the emails into an email list program that I will add to, so people can join or opt out as they wish. Then we can use the list to keep folks informed of important developments.

REQUEST #3: Send me links to web sites and forums that support the causes of fighting problems with the legal system and corruption in the judiciary and government in general.

We need to develop THE most comprehensive list of web site links there is. I have 125 here -- As with email, I’d ask each of you to check your web sites and any sites that you have used as references regarding public corruption, and email them to me. I’ll add them to my site, and we will encourage all of these sites to add the comprehensive list of links as well. When time permits, I will add functionality to that allows registered users to add links themselves. I am still recovering from eye problems and surgery, so many of you have sent web sites, and I will get then all added within a week. I promise!

With that email list and web site list, we have a good starting point for reaching those who have been abused and who support those who have been abused. Once we reach out to everyone, we can develop objectives and strategies.

Jon Goodwin of evilesquire has started -- Alliance for the Ethical Practice and Application of Law is the acronym. (I’d prefer an acronym that is a word.) Jon says it is important that separate blogs / websites are maintained because they will raise the search engine prominence of a centralized site.

He has offered to set up separate blogs for people under sub domains of AEPAL ( ex ) for people who don’t have a blog but want one. Jon has established connections with Rep. Darelll Issa (R-CA) and Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) that could help as well.

I’m sure others will have some great ideas on what we can do as a group.

I am buying a mobile billboard in Washington, DC next week. It will cruise all around Capitol Hill, the mall, the Washington Post, and the offices of the media. It will say:

1 HONEST Government Official
Call 888-873-6440

I don’t expect a call, but I hope the media will pick it up.

This week, I am sending letters to every federal judge in the United States.

I am informing them of the corruption. And I am asking them to report the crimes to law enforcement, as they are obligated to do by statute; I am also asking them to take other actions to help fix this. I don’t expect a response, but those who do not respond go on the impeachment list.

I am sending a similar letter to every Senator and Congressman. I am informing them of the corruption; their criminal statutory obligation to report the crimes to law enforcement; and their requirement to begin impeachment proceedings.

Again, a quick braindump:

· Share our information, research, etc.
· Get Forums and radio talk shows covering this.
· Get those with the best stories to write them up as a chapter for a book. (I think getting a book front and center at Barnes and Noble and Borders could potentially have a huge impact. I’m a publisher, so it’s easy for me to get it produced, printed, and placed.)

· We need some media people to cover the story – newspapers and TV especially.
· See if there is something we can file jointly.
· Do affidavits and amicus briefs for each other.

· We need Congress to hold hearings. We should put together a list of who our Congressmen and Senators are, communicate with them, and work toward getting someone involved in every

Congressional District.
· Report all the corrupt judges on the sites that have that functionality.
· Set up web sites for the corrupt judges.
· Facebook, Twitter, and Social Networking.

· We need a presidential candidate who will add this to their platform because they could expose this and get this publicized and get zillions of votes.

· We need to pick a date and email everyone in all of our email address books. Just a massive blitz asking people to pass it along.

· Once we attack at the federal level, we can go after state and local.

As with many things in life, we need to do this rather than read about it. Please let me hear from you. I believe it is POSSIBLE to change this, but it will take a lot of folks who won’t be apathetic.



William M. Windsor
Office: 770-578-1094 "

Friday, January 21, 2011

Supreme Court Corruption and Judicial Corruption. It won't STOP Til You Make It Stop.

Supreme Court and Judicial Corruption

"Monday’s shocking Supreme Court decisions to allow federal courts to void the Constitution at will.

I have not been able to respond to any of you individually yet as I am recovering from eye surgery on Monday, and it is hard to read or type with two fingers with a steel cage and patch taped over my eye. I will respond to each of you individually, but please allow me to give a general response for now.

1. I am happy to be on all of the radio shows that have invited me. Just tell me when. Since it is now painfully obvious that the entire federal court system is corrupt, we have to get the word out. We desperately need a big-time newspaper writer or TV journalist to take this story and win a Pulitzer Prize with it. I have an idea for a grass roots effort to educate the masses. I will share it later.

2. For those who want copies of the rulings, here they are: DENIED. There was no narrative provided. This isn’t the case of a refusal to hear an appeal; this is the decision on three separate petitions for writs of mandamus that SCOTUS was required to consider and rule on. Copies of the rulings can be seen at Enter Windsor, William and search. The docket numbers are 10-632, 10-633, and 10-690. Copies of the petitions are here:

3. The only hope in the world we have of getting anything done about the corruption is to get everyone working together to fight this.

4. Those of you who have asked what you can do. Send my story to your friends. Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, and anyone who will listen that we have a crisis in America, and we have to spread the word so enough people know about it to get something done.

5. A number of you have contacted me about things that sound a lot like revolution. As I understand it, anyone calling for the overthrow of the government can be locked up for a long time. So, I’m not into that. I’m happy to take time to understand what you have to say, but my approach is probably a lot more “pedestrian” than what some of you seem to be advocating.

6. I will share the views of all of you who say we don’t have a Constitution, and related views. Once again, I want to understand what you are saying, but that seems like an argument that won’t get us anywhere.

7. I am going to fly to Washington, DC as soon as my surgeon will let me as I want to get copies of all docket items in my files at SCOTUS.

I am convinced from communication with Joseph Zernik that there are all kinds of illegal acts taking place in the Clerk’s office there, and the so-called orders of the Supreme Court that are nothing more than short letters are not valid based upon the law.

8. We are planning a meeting of those interested here in Atlanta. A number of very interested people have said they will fly in for it. We tried to have this in December but I became quite ill and then had to have the eye surgery.

As I believe I said in my news release, I am still absolutely shocked that this could happen in America! It is truly unbelievable to me.


William M. Windsor"

Posted here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

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